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3D Printing Design
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3D Printing

3D Printing


3D printing is a kind of rapid prototyping technology, it is a digital model file based on the use of powder metal or plastic and other adhesive materials, through the way of layer by layer printing technology to construct objects. 3D printing is usually achieved using digital technology material printers. Often used in mold manufacturing, industrial design and other fields to manufacture models, and gradually used in the direct manufacturing of some products, there are already parts printed using this technology. The technology is used in jewelry, footwear, industrial design, architecture, engineering and construction, automotive, aerospace, dental and medical industries, education, geographic information systems, civil engineering, firearms and other fields.

At present, with the advancement of technology and research and development, there are more than 1000 kinds of materials can be used for 3D printing manufacturing, because 90% of 3D printer users at this stage are using desktop products, so the consumption of two plastic materials such as ABS and PLA accounts for more than 50%. At present, polymer material manufacturers are also mainly concentrated in ABS and PLA and nylon materials.

Today, the global 3D printing materials industry is in the early stages of growth. With the development and promotion of global 3D technology, the demand for 3D printing materials industry is increasing, and the particularity of 3D printing industry technology is more dependent on the material industry, which makes the market participants in the 3D printing materials industry gradually increase, and the industry profits increase. And companies engaged in 3D printing technology and relevant research LABS in universities are actively developing new materials with a wide range of uses and easier molding. In the future, the technical barriers to 3D printing materials will further increase, and the market price of materials is also expected to decline.


The increase of 3D printing materials is an inevitable trend in the development of 3D printing industry technology. Recently, a number of new 3D printing materials have appeared every once in a while. In the next few years, the development cycle of these materials will gradually shorten, and the frequency of release will gradually increase. At this stage, the main domestic 3D printing materials enterprises generally exist in the form of integrated equipment manufacturing and printing services. This is caused by the limitation of technology promotion and market scale in the early stage of industrial development. In the long run, all links of the industrial chain will produce professional separation: professional material suppliers and printing enterprises will appear, and product design services will be independent or transferred to downstream consumer enterprises.

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