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MJF 3D Printing Hand Retainer

Low manufacturing cost, can be directly used in the end product, durable.

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MJF 3D Printing Hand Retainer

MJF 3D Printing Hand Retainer


MJF process Application - MJF 3D Printing Hand retainer

Low manufacturing cost, can be directly used in the end product, durable.

MJF 3D Printing Hand retainer
MJF 3D printing

MJF uses an inkjet array to selectively apply a fixer and refiner to a bed of nylon powder, which is then melted into a solid layer by a heating element. After each layer, the powder is distributed to the top of the bed, then the process is repeated until the part is finished.

After printing, the entire powder bed with the encapsulated parts is moved to a vacuum treatment station, where most of the loose powder is removed by an integrated vacuum. Parts are shot peened to remove residual powder and then sent to the treatment department for dyeing or secondary processing.

The advantages of MJF 3D printing process

The MJF 3D printing process simplifies workflows and reduces costs, enabling rapid prototyping to achieve groundbreaking economic parts manufacturing. An open materials and software innovation platform that lowers barriers to use and supports new applications across industries.

MJF 3D printing can produce end-use parts with near-isotropic characteristics on demand, and the performance of the products is better. The printing speed for small batch orders is fast and the comprehensive cost is competitive.

Compared with other processes, Multi Jet Fusion has a unique advantage. The arm fixer made of Multi Jet Fusion is more breathable and lightweight than gypsum, and as a end product, it has a high durability, which can greatly meet the use intensity in daily life. It has gradually become an important solution for customized medical treatment


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