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FDM Technology: The "benchmark" for 3D printing in the aerospace sector

FDM Technology: The "benchmark" for 3D printing in the aerospace sector


When it comes to 3D printing technology, everyone must be no stranger. It is like a super "copier" that can quickly "print" physical parts from digital models. Among many 3D printing technologies, FDM technology is the most widely used. So, what are the unique applications and broad prospects of FDM technology in the aerospace field? Let's take a look!

First, FDM technology can print aerospace parts with complex structures, which are challenging for traditional processing methods. Using 3D printing, designers can play unlimited creativity, greatly simplifying the manufacturing process. In addition, 3D printing can produce a small number of parts on demand, significantly shortening the production cycle and reducing inventory costs. This is particularly important during the initial test flight phase of new aircraft and rockets.

Aerospace parts

At present, aerospace companies have begun to use FDM technology to print some non-critical parts such as interior trim parts, cabin components, etc., which are directly applied to aircraft. In the future, as the technology matures, perhaps the entire cabin and even the main structure can be "printed"! In the case of the Airbus A350 XWB, more than 1,000 interior parts have been 3D printed.

Aerospace industry- turbine pump impeller

It is worth mentioning that we have also obtained significant advances in FDM technology in the aerospace field. For example, in the Long March series of carrier rockets, 3D printing technology has been successfully applied to produce a number of flight key components, greatly reducing the cost and production cycle. It is believed that in the near future, China's digital rocket production line based on 3D printing will improve the development efficiency and help realize the space dream.

It is foreseeable that FDM 3D printing technology will profoundly change the shape of the aerospace industry in the future. It will make the entire R & D manufacturing chain highly digital, intelligent, flexible. We have reason to believe that 3D printing technology will promote the human aerospace industry to a more brilliant new era!

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